Call for papers/Appel à contribution pour une conférence en ligne du 20 au 23 octobre 2021 (Online Conference of the universities Art Association of Canada/Congrès en ligne de l’Association d’art des universités du Canada)
Session 17. Graphic Satire across the Americas in the Nineteenth Century | La satire graphique à travers les Amériques : un panorama du XIXe siècle
Session organisée par Aline Dell’orto et Dominic Hardy
Conference 2021 Call for Papers (submission due: May 16) | #AaucUaac 2021 Congrès Appel à communications (date limite de soumission: 16 mai)
Session 17. Graphic Satire across the Americas in the Nineteenth Century | La satire graphique à travers les Amériques : un panorama du XIXe siècle
Dominic Hardy, Université du Québec à Montréal
Aline Dell’Orto, Independent Scholar
Why—and how—did graphic satire come to be so prevalent in the Americas across the nineteenth century? In the continents’ diverse societies, the circulation and consumption of satiric images is attested by a growing body of graduate studies, independent research and work in universities and museums. This panel welcomes papers on (without being limited to): sites (public and private) of graphic satire’s visibility ; gendering of satiric practices ; linguistic affiliation; transamerican transfers (artists/cartoonists traveling, quoting each other, appropriations, collaborations); economics of publication and circulation; media (print, drawing, collage, scrapbook, photography, painting, sculpture, intermedial practices); relationships to the staging of power (colonial, post-colonial, federal, provincial, state, municipal) articulating indigenous, diasporic and racialized and settler identities.