Paulo Jorge Fernandes

Ph.D in Political and Institutional Contemporary History from Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
Assistant Professor at the History Department, researcher and member of the board of the Contemporary History Institute from the same university.

Area of scientific activity
History of the 19th and the 20th centuries. Europe, Africa, Brazil.

Research interests
Politicaland Colonial History. Caricature, Cartoon and Satirical Press.


  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge; ALÇADA, Isabel e MAGALHÃES, Ana Maria, As Invasões Francesas e a Corte no Brasil, Lisboa, Editorial Caminho, 2011;
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, Mariano Cirilo de Carvalho: o «Poder Oculto» do liberalismo português (1876-1892), Lisboa, Assembleia da República e Texto Editora, 2010;
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge e PINTO, António Costa, 100 anos da República, Lisboa, CTT, 2010;
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, Mouzinho de Albuquerque: um soldado ao serviço do Império, Lisboa, A Esfera dos Livros, 2010;
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge e SILVEIRA, Luís Espinha da, Reis de Portugal – D. Luís I, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2006 (2.ª ed. Temas e Debates, 2009);
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, As Faces de Proteu. As Elites Urbanas e o Poder Municipal em Lisboa de finais do Século XVIII a 1851, Lisboa, Imprensa Municipal, 1999;

Book chapters (selection)

  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, “The press and Portuguese-British relations at the time of the British «Ultimatum»”, in KAUL, Chandrika and GARCIA, José Luís (ed.), Media and the Portuguese Empire, London, Palgrave, 2017 (forthcoming).
  • ALVES, Daniel and FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, “The Portuguese Political Exiles in London: Press, Ideology and Division (1808-1832)”, in BANTMAN, Constance and SILVA, Ana CláudiaSuriani da (ed.), The Foreign Political Press in Nineteenth-Century London: Politics from a Distance, London, Bloomsbury, 2017 (forthcoming).
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge “Caricatura e Cartoon em Portugal: Humor sem contensão no Portugal Contemporâneo”, in Humor, Direito e Liberdade de Expressão, Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Judiciários, pp. 215-235, 2016.
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, “TheParliament: settingandiconography”, in CATROGA, Fernando e ALMEIDA, Pedro Tavares de (dir.), Respublica: citizenshipandpoliticalrepresentation in Portugal, 1820-1926, Lisboa, Assembleia da República e Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2011, pp. 156-177;


  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, “Caricatura e Política no Portugal Contemporâneo: Leal da Câmara”, paperpresentedat “Conferências do Casino” in Casa-Museu Leal da Câmara, Rio de Mouro, atMay7, 2016;
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, “Caricatura, humor e ordem política: do Supplemento Burlesco ao Asmodeu (1847-1863)”, paperpresentedattheInternational Conference RomanticismandthePeripheries, in Calouste GulbenkianFondation in Lisbon, realizado atDecember 5, 2016;
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, “Satire and the city in the caricature newspapers of Rafael BordaloPinheiro (1879-1891)”, paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Urban History – Reinterpreting cities, Helsinki, University of Helsinki, at August 25, 2016;
  • FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, “Caricatura e cartoon em Portugal – Humor sem contenção no Portugal Contemporâneo”, paperpresentedatthe Conference “Humor, Direito e Liberdade de Expressão”, JudiciaryStudiesCenter, Lisbon, atApril 22, 2016;


  • Materials for the History of Elections and Parliament in Portugal, 1820-1926. Iconography (including caricature and cartoon):