Professeur émérite, The University of Reading, German Department.
- The German illustrated broadsheet in the 17th century, 2vols., Heitz, Baden-Baden, 1966/7, 229 and 55 pp + 145 plates (Bibliotheca Bibliographica Aureliana xvii + xx).
- German political satires from the Reformation to the Second World War, 6 vols. Kraus International Publications, New York, 1985 – 1993, xlv+435, 501, XXIII+387, 560, xxii+298, 533 pp.
- German through the Looking Glass, Berg, Leamington Spa, Heidelberg and Dover (USA) 1986, 192 pp.
- « Political and religious cartoons of the Thirty Years War ». In : Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 25 (1962), 65-86.
- « The German Cartoon and the Revolution of 1848 ». In : Comparative Studies in Society and History, 9 (1966-7), 137-67.
- « Adolf Hitler and the Cartoonists». In : History Today, 33 (1983), 19-26.
- « German Fascism and the Satiric Image ». In : Ridiculosa, 4, 1997, pp. 83-94.
- « As others see us – and as we sometimes see ourselves. National Stereotypes in the German and British Caricature». In : Cultural Negotiations, Sichtweisen des Anderen, ed. C. Brown, T. Fischer-Seidel, Tübingen and Basel, 1998, pp. 99-134.
- De nombreux articles parus dans les revues suivantes : Modern Language Review, German Life and Letters, Erasmus, Times Higher Education Supplement, Germanistik, Arbitrium, Zeitschrift für Kulturgeschichte.